In an alternate timeline after the attack of Unicron in 2006, Onslaught is still active in 2008 and was one of Soundwave's lieutenants when the Quintessons invaded.

Onslaught's shining moment came when he got to lead a massed Decepticon assault on the Autobots, which came close to wiping them all out. RAAT would get the Throttlebots and the Combaticons were beaten by Blaster. The Throttlebots were trapped in a used car lot and the Combaticons were forced to bid for them in an auction against RAAT and the Protectobots, but Onslaught cut through this by trying to have the lot's owner assassinated. Ladies' Night In response to that humiliation, Onslaught and the Combaticons hunted the Throttlebots down. He would've killed them if the Throttlebots hadn't shown up as the cavalry. Later on, he led his team to kill Galvatron while he was trapped in a volcano, and Onslaught was the only Combaticon not taken down by a trio of human women.

Onslaught and his team were first seen on Earth fighting the Protectobots inside the Multi-World computer game. Onslaught is the leader of the Combaticons, one of the Special Teams foretold by the Matrix Second Generation!.

Note: Events from the UK-only comic stories are in italics.