Your father, your mother, the people who raised you, a warm place to belong. How was he able to say, "You've lost a lot of things. "-_- Should I even be surprised that Eiichi had an investigation report on Otoya? I don't like that Eiichi dug into Otoya's past without considering how much his feelings could have been damaged. LOL! I love the chibi characters that surfaced when everyone envisioned Eiichi with a bomb while Otoya is eating xD Reiji noticed how Otoya was too.I like that he approached the STARISH members to discuss it! :) I totally agree with Nagi when he said to Eiichi, "You're creepy when you're in a good mood." This was my first time seeing Otoya intimidated :P LOL, "Do you believe in fate?" xD What a way to begin a conversation.and an interesting way to begin a friendship. LOL, I like that no one was surprised that Otoya was late for his project meeting. Also, three cheers for character development! or at least some fluff 'cause some of us are dying out here D: A-1 better step up lol, give us more romance. xD I know this is a reverse harem and all, but this season I feel like we're missing the good ol Haruka x romantic interactions. we need some type of antagonist in the show and it just so happens to be Eiichi.Īnd what a day for the fujoshis, that Eiichi x Otoya was something else lol.

and from it, he'd mature into a (hopefully) better musician. I think he's simply trying to get Otoya to confront himself and his problems head-on. I also actually like Eiichi, he may be an ass but he's not completely terrible. I mean, I know this season's been focusing on the boys' back stories but I never thought we'd get a broken Otoya out of it.